This year I should say "when it snows, it pours". The weekly snows and bitter cold (for North Carolina) have inhibited my glass production. Most of my glass work is done outside or in unheated spaces so it has been difficult to experiment as much as I like to do this time of year before the show season starts.
At first I was able to work a little on glass beads which are made on a torch in my garage until the oxygen concentrator I use for fuel quit. This production interruption gave me a little time to take and edit pictures hence the multiple posts.
So here we go with pics of the snow.

This is the same location I showed in my first blog- only four months later. I decided not to put away the Christmas snowman until the snows stop, but the flamingo is getting a little cold.
The first snow was so much fun because I didn't have to go to work. It was like being a kid again. I made beads while my dear husband trudged to the store to get supplies for making his famous
brunswick stew. It was the best weekend I have had in years!

When the roads improved a little, we were able to drive around near the house and take in the snowy wonderland.